‘NBA 2K16’ Gameplay & News: ‘The Living World’ Trailer Shows Improvements & Enhancements

2K Sports has released "The Living World" trailer, which aims to demonstrate and explain some of the improvements and enhancements for its "NBA 2K16." It was said that the trailer actually features contributions from the game's developer team, which includes Scott O'Gallagher, Jerson Sapida and the wonderfully named Mike Wang, a report from iDigitalTimes said.

"Major theme of the Living World trailer is to make everything on the court, from player and coach intelligence, the crowd and arena to be different. Everything aside from a few standout players and their mannerisms felt the same and the 2K team wanted to change that," the report said.

"The Living World" trailer reportedly showcases some of the best in-game footage of "NBA 2K16." The company claims that it wants to deliver a very authentic basketball video simulation game. By watching the trailer, players will be able to see as realistic reaction to each situation as possible and at the same time achieve and deliver an authentic and immersive experience to players.

According to Tech Times, since day one of the project, Mike Wang, head of the members of the "NBA 2K16" gameplay development team, has given his members what he described an "impossible task." The task basically challenges the whole team to produce the game's "look and feel" way better than the previous version of the game. With the success of the "The Living World" trailer, industry experts call it as "mission accomplished."

Segment Next also reports, "Not only have they looked at the way the players react during the game, but they have also adapted how the coaches will react to how you play. They will change their game plans based on handling your play style, where your strengths are and what weaknesses they can use against you. In a play-off situation this will also show in the way they handle your style from game to game. If you defeat them the first time, don't expect their tactics to remain the same in the next match."

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