'NBA 2K15' New Cheats & Locker Codes: Players Get 6,000 VC Points, ABA Ball, New Shoes and More

The developers of "NBA 2K15" blessed its users with new cheats and locker codes just before the release of "NBA 2K16." It surely won't die without a proper goodbye. The developers have given the game one last hurrah before paves way for the newest installment to the game.

Master Herald reports on the newest batch of cheats and locker codes that were released. The said codes merit perks like 6,000 virtual currency points, new shoes, use of an ABA ball, skill points and more. Many are still hooked on "2K15," thanks to these surprise treats from the makers. Also, "2K15" was big on improvements on gameplay, thus making it a truly better game compared to "2K14." Additionally, "2K15" release on PC impressed many with its realistic graphics and gameplay.

Franchise Herald has listed several cheats for players to use. "ALLSTARMVP" will merit a random prize and "IWATCHEDNBA2KTV" will give players 1,000 VC points. The source has all the codes and their accompanying prizes.

Meanwhile, "NBA 2K16" is now available for pre-order, and the "Early Weekend Tipoff" allows buyers to have access to the game as early as the 25th of September. iDigital Times says that this is a full weekend before the official release. It also includes lots of perks like VC points and other bonuses.

The latest release also promises even better graphics and gameplay compared to its predecessors. VP for Marketing for NBA 2K Alfie Brody says "NBA 2K16 promises to be one of the most groundbreaking sports titles in video game history, combining exciting new features with uncanny realism."

"We're always seeking new ways to excite and ignite our fans' tremendous passion for the franchise, and offering unmatched early access is just another way to bring them closer to the on-court action they crave," he added.

"NBA 2K16" official release will be on September 29 on all platforms.

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