Kelsey Grammer to Unload Beverly Hills Estate

Kelsey Grammer of "Frasier" and "Cheers" fame recently bought a Beverly Hills property for his fourth wife, Kayte Nesting, for around $6,500,000. But the mansion has been listed for sale just eight months after the purchase.

Before the listing, the Beverly Hills Manor was given out on rent for $30,000 per month. The property has now been put up for sale with an asking price of $7,250,000, reported Trulia.

The home is a beautiful 6 bedroom - 7.5 bathroom place with a Spanish touch to its exteriors. The single-family home was built in 1926 and is spread across an area of 6,093 square feet. The home sports complete hardwood flooring and has central heating and cooling.

The home also boasts of a patio and a parking lot that can accommodate three vehicles. A pool and a barbecue grill also emphasize the home's luxury amenities. The house has a double storey entrance that leads to a lower level living room. Both the floors sport fascinating gallerias with arched windows and warm fireplaces. The home also features a detached guest house, reports Trulia.

Grammer's upcoming project, T.V show "Boss" got cancelled and he is now forced to keep his finances in check. Grammer has decided to move along with his family to another Beverly Hills house, which has also been listed for sale now with a $16 million price tag, reported TMZ.

Grammer is currently living in the high-priced home much to his ex-wife, Camille's outrage. Camille and Kelsey bought the home when they were together and after the divorce, the home's expenses were split equally between the two. Now that Grammer's new family has moved into the house, Camille went to court against the move but her plea was denied, reported Trulia.

Another home in Beaver Creek, Malibu is also up for sale as a part of the divorce deal, reports the Daily Mail.

Cammile starred in the show," "The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills." The couple applied for a divorce in July 2010 and finalized the split in February 2011.

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