‘Castle’ Season 8 Episode 1 Spoilers: New Trailer Teases Hayley Shipton Character [video]

The premiere on ABC's "Castle" is making a buzz as new revelations are out. As per Christian Post's report Rick Castle [portrayed by Nathan Fillion on the series] will be going through a complicated phase as he and his wife's carreer change would affect both their relationship and their personal lives. Richard Castle might be able to uncover some details in regards to his past and his own disappearance.

As "Castle" progresses, twists would be revealed and new characters would be unmasked. The network already released the first official trailer for the upcoming season premier and the fans are anxious to hear on what's going to happen next.

The Movie News Guide showed Detective Javier "Javie" Esposito [Jon Huertas], Detective Kevin Ryan [Seamus Dever], and Rick Castle [ Nathan Fillion] hurriedly run on a corridor of an apartment building. The three were then knocked down the door, after which, Javie called over his partner to go with him to check one of the rooms. Castle stayed on the scene to look around the trashed apartment. After Castle opened the window curtains, a woman by the name of Hayley Shipton (Toks Olagundoye) hit him in the stomach. Just in time to save him, both Ryan and Esposito came with their guns drawn towards her. Castle then asked Hayley where Captain Kate Beckett (Stana Katic) was, but she didn't give them any information.

Cartermatt then added that Hayley Shipton will be making a scene. She will be someone from Scotland Yard. It was then stated that her character is somewhat strong as she is willing to break the rules just for her to get what she wants.

"Castle" season 8 will have a 2-hour runtime for their first episode which would premier on the 21st of September.

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