'Dakota Fanning' is All Grown Up, Goes Braless in NYC

Then former child star is all grown up. Dakota Fanning, 21, stepped out in New York City wearing a loose outfit. Specifically, according to e! online, the young actress was wearing a loose-fitting denim shorts and a slinky white top. She did well in terms of accessorizing her look with chic round sunglasses and plenty of jewelry but she seemed to have forgotten on thing-to wear a bra.

This is not really the type of look we are used to seeing on Dakota. But actually there is no need to fret because according to eonline.com, it is totally legal to go bra-less in Manhattan so Fanning is not in any sort of trouble for choosing to walk around exposing some nips through light clothing. Needless to say her transition into adulthood is not as overwhelming as compared to her colleagues.

And speaking of her good girl reputation, in an interview with Nylon recently, she said, "I might not be running around being insane, but I'm also a 21-year-old who likes to be silly...Just because I don't flaunt those parts of my life doesn't mean I don't do some of that privately."

Why is being braless such an issue for an actress like the Dakota? That is probably because of the fact that even if she is all grown up, she still looks like a child to most of us and Fanning understands this. I've made my peace with the fact that there will be some people who, for the rest of my life, will believe I'm, like, 9 years old," said the actress according to eonline.com. "I have this joke that I'm literally going to be 35, married, and pregnant and people are still going to say, 'Oh my god, you grew up so fast! I can't believe it!' And yeah, sometimes when you're 21 years old and people are still saying that, you just want to rip your hair out. But I'm OK with it...I know who I am."

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