Disney Launches 'Star Wars: The Force Awaken' Toys

There's still a few months before "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" hits movie theaters this December 18, but as early as now, Disney has already started to promote the highly anticipated movie. Lucasfilm and Walt Disney Co. is set to launch the latest line of "Star Wars" toys.

The massive collection of "Star Wars" merchandise, new toys and apparel was unveiled through a series of online "unboxings" which started Wednesday, reports Fortune. The collection reportedly features various new toys such as a talking Yoda to a "Star Wars" themed Monopoly board.

One of the "Star Wars" toys unveiled was a new Stormtrooper Nerf Gun, states IGN, which comes with 12 darts and has a firing range of 65 feet. The Gun reportedly comes with a removable clip that can be inserted at the side of the weapon and has a pump action. The game site explained that with this feature, players won't need to collect the dispensed darts between shots.

Another collectible item that the IGN report mentioned was a Millennium Falcon set which comes with the models of Finn and Chewbacca. The battery operated Falcon will play sound effects when the toy is moved from side-to-side and even when it lands. The ship also comes with a pop-up cannon, which fires Nerf darts, located on the roof of the Falcon. The back of the Falcon reportedly also operates as a playset once removed from the body of the ship. The ship also comes with pegs on the floor to help keep the models upright.

Meanwhile, one of the highly anticipated "Star Wars" toys is a smartphone controlled rolling robot, Sphero's BB-8, according to Time. A player can reportedly control Sphero's BB-8 with a "Star Wars" themed smartphone app, aided with the help of a Wi-Fi signal. The toy can respond to simple commands such as "patrol" which would send the BB-8 to zip around the room. It also emits chips and squeaks that makes the droid "feel somehow alive," stated Time.

The newest collection of "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" will be available in toy stores beginning "Force Friday," September 4.

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