‘Destiny: The Taken King’ Gameplay: Mercy Rule Coming On Sept. 8, Improves ‘Quality of Life' For Players

Game developer Bungie has introduced a new multiplayer feature in the "Destiny: The Taken King" video game. Called the "Mercy Rule," the addition to the game is expected to be available on Sept. 8.

The Mercy Rule will be added to the game's multiplayer mode, Crucible. Bungie's Senior Designer Andrew Weldon has announced this via the company's website. He explained that Mercy Rule will work as it does in traditional sports, a report from Gamespot said on Monday.

"When the Mercy Rule hits, Shaxx will call out at the end of the match. We immediately disable join in progress to prevent any additional players from joining the game (if anyone has dropped already) and reset the game clock to :10 seconds. After those 10 seconds, the match will end normally. All players will receive their end of match rewards and return to matchmaking," wrote Destiny senior designer Andrew Weldon on Bungie's website.

Polygon explains, "The rule is designed to quickly end matches in which the score difference between the winning team and losing team is so great that there's no hope of winning, where the losing team might be suffering so badly that the game's no longer fun. Bungie hopes the rule will end bad matches as quickly as possible, discourage quitting and prevent players from joining in-progress blowouts."

It was said that gamers will be able to play the Mery Rule via the "Destiny" 2.0 update. The new feature will be unlocked for all the team playlists. However, Weldon noted that the Mercy Rule won't be applied to the Elimination and Trials of Osiris playlists. Weldon vows that the company will listen to the gamers' feedback, and he pointed out that it will impose an adjustment to the Mercy Rule, if needed, in the future.

Last week, Derek Carroll, Bungie's developer, reportedly announced that the Trials of Osiris mode will be "going away temporarily." The Trials of Osiris game mode was introduced as the House of Wolves add-on, but Carroll emphasized that it will return to the game later this year.

Cinema Blend reports that "Destiny" 2.0 update will also kick off the game's week-long free trial of the new modes and maps that are expected to come in "The Taken King" expansion pack.

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