A-Rod Pulls Miami Mansion Off the Housing Market

The New York Yankees' third baseman, Alex Rodriguez, has apparently taken his Miami mansion off the market. The property first went up for sale in August 2012 for $38 million. Unable to unload the place for some time now, the sports star has reportedly decided not to sell.

A-Rod purchased the 20,000 square feet mansion for $24 million back in 2010 when he was dating Cameron Diaz. The Biscayne Bay home has beautiful ocean views. The property consists of 9 bedrooms and 11 baths. The place features a huge theater, spacious living and game rooms along with an eat-in kitchen. The home's outdoors sports a still pool with a lounge and a fireplace and sitting area. The home has huge glass windows that give access to the beautiful views of the surrounding area, reports Business Insider.

The place is also hurricane insured and made with 'thick impact glass' and has a 'home generator'. A batting cage also exists for some baseball practice in the after hours. The residence is well protected with surrounding walls, a huge gate and 16 security cameras, reports Yahoo.

A-Rod made a considerable amount of money by renting the place for some feature films, shows like "X Factor" and commercials for Victoria's Secret.

The sports star is battling an injured arm and hip for which he will be undergoing surgery soon.

A-Rod took off the property from the market as he wanted to concentrate on his recovery and comeback and the real estate deal was proving to be a little distracting, a source told NY Post.

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