Apple Campus 2: Drone's Footage Reveals Progress on the Tech Giant’s New 2.8 million sq. ft. Headquarters, which has Net-Zero Standards and Rooftop Solar Panels

Silicon Valley-based videographer Duncan Sinfield recently revealed the latest progress on the $5 billion- worth Apple Campus 2 project thru an unofficial drone flyby video. Using a DJI Inspire 1 drone, the aerial footage shows off the massive 2.8 million-square-foot development of the donut-shaped building located at 1 Infinite Loop , Cupertino, California,. Aside from its size, the structure also boasts of a net-zero standards which will enable it to produce 100 percent of its power from renewable resources which include a 700,000 square- foot rooftop solar panel. In collaboration with the car manufacturer, Nissan, a parking garage for electric cars with 100 charging stations will also be one of the salient features of the building.

The video clip prepared by Sinfield begins with Apple's late CEO and co-founder Steve Jobs describing the 150 - acre project to the Cupertino City Council meeting in 2011.This narration of Jobs was used as a voiceover in the footage which showcases the nearly finished foundations and underground floors of the building. Different portions of the site were shown in the clip such as the auditorium, 300,000 research and development facilities and the on-site cement plant which was created due to the vastness of the construction. The structure is so big that it will need almost four miles of glass window. It can also fit the footprint of Pentagon which is one of the biggest buildings in the world.

Apple Campus 2, a four-story circular building with almost a mile in circumference will serve as the tech giant's new quarters that will house 12,000 employees. It was designed by Fosters + Partners, whose founder, British architect Norman Foster, was personally invited by Jobs to take on the work. In a movie released by the Cupertino City Council, Foster shared how Jobs invited him. "For me this project started in the summer of 2009. Out of the blue a telephone call. It's Steve: 'Hi Norman, I need some help.' I was out there three weeks later," he said. The same firm is also behind the designs of the new stores of Apple all over the world.

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