‘Dragon Ball Super’ Episode 9 Review: No fuller Content Of Goku’s Transformation; Episode 10 Spoilers Battle Between Beerus?

"Dragon Ball Super" Episode 9 reviews on Goku finally appears as a Super Saiyan God. But the recent episode doesn't give fuller content of Goku's transformation. The episode 10 promises the the battle of Goku vs. Beerus.

iSchoolGuide shares the review of "Dragon Ball Super" Episode 9. The website states that the recent episode has redeemed the fans interest since they are very vocal about their disappointment of the previous episodes.

In the report, Episode 9 of "Dragon Ball Super" reveals Goku in its glowing red Super Saiyan God form. He appears leaner as well when he transformed. However, fans think that the transformation of Goku doesn't have enough content because the story has several subplots.

This observation has been noted since episode 7. It has constant character appearances from time to time. Obviously, the fans hope that episode 9 would be dedicated more on the details of the Goku's transformation as a super Saiyan god.

Aside from its storyline, fans are also not happy with the animation. The expectation is higher because the title itself "Super" implies a promise that it will exceed from the original. But numerous anime websites think that "the photos and animations of the current "Dragon Ball Super" looked stiff, rough, and crappy."

On a different note, "Dragon Ball Super" Episode 10 reveals a promising spoilers. In the report of En.Yibada, it talks about the Goku Beerus battle. The site states that both fighters would be set to fight out in the sky.

The trailer shows also that Whis is making some sort of declaration. The clip also revealed how Goku has been trying to pounce Beerus real hard, but the God of Destruction is able to block the those punches. King Kai, who watches the battle, is seen horrified and nervous as he runs away.

Design N Trend also says that while Goku is throwing "really hard hits to the destructive deity, but his punches don't appear to be having much of an effect." The Super Saiyan God is preparing to launch the Kamehameha wave at Beerus, then the trailer fades.

Question is, would that be enough to hurt the destructive deity badly? Fans really hope that episode 10 of "Dragon Ball Super" will meet their expectation this time.

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