'Ronda Rousey' Embraces Her Celebrity Status, Remains Nice to Paparazzi

Ronda Rousey is famous for being a successful female MMA fighter. Now she has gained celebrity status but deep down she never lost the ability to relate to so many different types of people. According to Yahoo! Rousey has learned to embrace her celebrity status. For one, instead of feeling bothered by the paparazzi who continuously follows her she chooses to understand that they are just doing what they are trying to do.

"They're trying to make a living, too," explained to the reporters. "And you have to know how to make nice, because they really know how to play mean. I think one reason certain celebrities have bad interactions with them is because there is no mutual respect. If you walk past someone like they're invisible and try to pretend that they're not there, how can you expect them to be nice to you? But if I give them some time and treat them normally, they have no reason to have any ill will toward me.

"I ran into this one guy the other day who was doing paparazzi work. My mom was giving him a hard time and it actually hurt his feelings. He told me this story that was amazing, that his baby died and his dog died the next day. He said he couldn't get work as a regular photographer, so he took a job doing that so he could pay his wife's therapist bills, because she was so upset about the baby. When you look at them as other people with lives and real jobs, it's easier to relate."

On the other hand when she was asked to talk about her celebrity crush she said, she admires Harrison Ford and she loves the Star Wars movies.

"I lose it around Harrison Ford," she told Yahoo Sports, beaming. "I don't know why, but I do. I was so obsessed with Star Wars. The first action movie I ever saw was Temple of Doom. Oh my God. Han Solo. I was in love with him for so long."

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