Photos of People Protecting Cops at Gas Stations Gone Viral, Here’s Why

A murder of a Texas deputy at a gas station did not only affect the ranks of the police force but as well as the community in its totality. The death of police officer Darren Goforth was not only mourned by friends and relatives, but as well as the community of Texas.

The state of Texas was shocked, particularly the local community of Harris County, as it was reported on televisions that a cop was killed while filling up his cruiser with gas at a Chevron station on the 28th of August. But instead of ensuing fear among the people of Texas, a certain degree of care for police officers was then observed in the aftermath of the said killing incident.

Viral photos now circulates in the internet as civilians took time to watch over policemen as they fill in the tank of their cars. A particular Indianapolis Metropolitan Police officer, Dustin Keedy, shared his story of meeting woman together with his daughter when he stopped to fill in for gas during his night shift. Officer Keedy recounts the incident via IMPD Facebook account as he said that;

"I was getting fuel at 27/Emerson at the start of my shift when this nice girl and her mother stopped me. They told me how much they appreciated what we, as police officers, do and that we don't go unnoticed. She gave me a giant hug and told me that her and her mommy were going to wait with me while I fueled up so no bad guys snuck up on me. After a quick chat she then handed me a snack for the night and have me another hug! It's because of families like this I go to work every night! And no matter if you hate me or not, you call and need help, I'll still give my life protecting you. Fight the good fight sheepdogs, families like this want us around!"

This is not just an isolated case for another similar incident happened to a deputy constable from Harris County in Texas where a teenager asked her whether he could watch her back while she pumped gas. Tommi Jones Kelley posted on her Facebook account that a "teenager I've never met before is standing right behind me & says, 'ma'am, do u mind if I stand here behind you while u get ur gas?'"

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