‘Destiny' 2.0 Update: New Patch Notes Detail Changes In Bungie's Latest Shooter, Include Increased Level Cap and Bounty Slots, New Weapons

Game developer Bungie has released today an updated patch for "Destiny." The "Destiny" 2.0 update will introduce some major changes ahead of the shceduled launch date of "The Taken King."

Gamers can now download the updated patch through Xbox Live and PlayStation Network. Some of the most significant changes in the game include an increased level cap, a Quest screen in the game's menu, an increased number of Bounty slots and more, iDigital Times reported.

"Patch notes for Destiny Update 2.0 were also released on Tuesday, outlining changes that might not be evident to the Destiny community at first glance. From the looks of things, every aspect of the Destiny experience received some attention from Bungie over the last 12-plus months, including player classes, the game's progression mechanics, along with the various weapons and armor available throughout the soon-to-be-expanded Destiny campaign," the report said, describing the changes that players can expect in Bungie's upcoming video game.

Forbes reports that "Destiny's" pre-Taken King 2.0 patch update has a file size of 17 GB. The recent update will also serve as a groundwork for the upcoming DLC. It was said that the game's character level cap is now 34, which means players can target the cap via XP alone. In terms of weapons balancing, new weapons have been revealed, such as a huge buff, AI for assault rifles, and a full 30 percent jump.

"In the Crucible, assault rifles should be more competitive and hand cannons and shotguns should be less so. Most weapon classes have minor changes, but I'm not sure whether they're buffs or nerfs in many cases. There are lots of changes to stability and rate of fire for certain types of guns," the report said.

The latest patch has reportedly introduced some important changes to Strikes. The first notable change is players will now have to join in the boss fight to obtain rewards from Strikes. The second one is that players can earn a "streak bonus." However, players can achieve such bonus only if they continue playing Strikes without returning to orbit.

A new multiplayer map has also been added to the game's Crucible mode. It was stressed that "Destiny: The Taken King" maps and modes will disappear via paywall once the game's expansion is be officially launched. The complete patch notes of the "Destiny" 2.0 update can be viewed here.

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