Last week, Alyssa Milano posted a picture of her breastfeeding her baby Elizabella on Instagram and she captioned, "Happy Birthday, my beautiful Elizabella. You've taught me that my heart has no end. You were the missing piece to my soul. Thank you for choosing me." ET was able to get in touch with Milano as she was promoting her new line of designer paper towels for Viva. According to ET, her post both got praises and backlash but she said she won't let haters stop her.
A photo posted by Alyssa Milano (@milano_alyssa) on Sep 4, 2015 at 10:16am PDT
"I don't care," she says. "I'm going to keep breastfeeding, maybe even until [Elizabella is] 6!" Little Elizabella turned 1 this month. Then she added by talking about the difference in the way people reacted to her picture versus Miley Cyrus showing her nipples on camera at the VMAs. "Everyone's fine with her nipples being out," she says. "I think people are more comfortable sexualizing breasts than relating them to what they were made for, which is feeding another human."
And further speaking about her kids she said, "When you have these babies, that connection is so meant to be and so profound. You look at them and you go, 'Oh, this is why. This is why I went through everything in my life." She also has a 4-year-old son named Milo.
On the other hand, speaking of the paper towels, she recalls her own share of messy moments with her children. One of those moments was when her daughter, Elizabella recently got sick and threw up while the family was looking at potential houses in a favorite vacation location. She said, "Thank God I have the husband that I have and that we laugh together about everything," Milano says referring to her husband, talent agent David Bugliari. "[Elizabella] projectile-vomited all over the back of this realtor's car."