‘Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 4’ Updates: Elite Body Guards Of Orochimaru, ‘Sound Four,’ May Be Playable In The Video Game

The roster of the characters of this upcoming "Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 4" has been growing bigger as names are being added almost every week. The recent updates mention that the Elite Body Guards Of Orochimaru, Sound Four, may be playable in the video game.

Geek Snack reports that there are several names that have been confirmed for the past weeks already. Last week, fans are told that Susanoo Kakashi is playable in the upcoming video game of "Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 4." Susanoo Kakashi scan proves that he is one of the characters that is being added in the final video game of Ultimate Ninja 4 series.

This week another set of characters is rumored to be added. The Sound Four might possibly be among the playable characters. Chances are fat for these Elite Body Guards Of Orochimaru because it has been asked by a twitter fan with an account named cnarato. The fan asked the Naruto Video Games Twitter if Sound Four will be included. The reply is not a confirmation but it's neither a refusal. It simply says "@cnarato We love them as well, don't worry about that!" Another twitter fan said that the Sound Four are the most wanted characters in Storm 4. His prayers were answered. It is not the first time that a fan asked about the inclusion of their favorite characters. Some are being confirmed, others have not been given straight answers. Perhaps, fans have no other choice but wait fro the official announcement.

In the mean time, fans have to check on the recent review given to the "Naruto: Shippuden DVD Set 23 Anime," which has come out sometime ago. Fandom Post reports that the rating has been give for its content, audio, video, and packaging- (rates says C, B+, B+, and B, respectively). The DVD contains the anime episodes of 284 to 296. It also features Japanese 2.0 Language, English 2.0 Language, English Subtitles,Production Credits, Storyboards, Clean Opening, Clean Closing.

The review says that the entire series is "pretty damn frustrating overall and with the length of the war that's going on it's very easy to get dispirited by the whole endeavour. And about half of this set is pretty much like that with less than memorable material with Tsunade, Omai, Sai and others." But the thing that salve this DVD is that fans get 6 episode that involve the anniversary story, which narrates stories before the war. The plot may not be something that stands out since it appears like you are watching old Naruto movies as you set out to it. "But after so much awful material that's bland and uninteresting, it's a very charming arc that feels like it works better than it should."

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