
'Super Mario Galaxy 3' Update: Motion Sickness No More With Nintendo Nx; CD-less Device Patent On Its Way

"Super Mario Galaxy," one of Nintendo's 3D game series, was rolled out five years ago and easily became both critically and commercially successful. But due to certain issues, the electronics company decided to postpone 3D games for the franchise.

Nintendo's game designer Shigeru Miyamoto recently told Eurogamer, "[A latest Mario Galaxy] is always in discussion, but even with Mario 64 there was a lot of feedback about motion sickness with the 3D or maybe us making it too difficult."

"Super Mario Galaxy" predecessor "Super Mario Galaxy 2" was released in May 2010 and Nintendo opted to go back to rolling out other traditional 2D "Super Mario" game. In spite of this, Miyamoto also revealed that the company is still considering "Super Mario Galaxy" around again once the technology and hardware advances.

Miyamoto said "Even moving on to the year after, we're always thinking of ways to surprise the audience."

Nintendo fans are now guessing that the electronics company will possibly deliver "Super Mario Galaxy 3" subsequent to the rolling out of the cryptic Nintendo NX console.

Nintendo is certainly gearing towards delivering an element of surprise when it comes to the Nintendo NX console. The company has kept a tight lip since the upcoming console's first announcement in 2014. One thing that's for sure, however, is that the console will hit the stores in 2016.

Recent reports claim that Nintendo had recently filed a patent for one CD-less device that is said to come with an internal hard disk drive which is designed to collect network capabilities and data in order to transfer files wirelessly.

Nintendo Enthusiast  has discovered different patent for sharing and achievement recording. It must be noted, however, that while it is confirmed that Nintendo has indeed filed for those patents, it does not necessarily mean that they will be incorporated in the upcoming Nintendo NX. 

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