A community torn apart, a four years battle and $400,000 is the balance of a battle caused by an Obama lawn sign – of all things – in Alexandria, Virginia.
The fight started in 2008 when Sam and Maria Farran planted an “Obama for President” sign in their yard. Little did they know at the time that a war was being signed; a war that, among other things, would force their homeowner association to declare bankruptcy.
The sign was four inches taller than the association’s covenants allowed, which didn’t pass unnoticed by neighbors. One neighbor emailed the association saying:
“Need I say more! This would lead to chaos. Our property values would be put at risk.”
The homeowner’s association notified the Farrans with a letter stating that the sign was not allowed. Instead of taking it down, the couple cut it in half.
The homeowner’s association didn’t find it particularly funny. A $900 fine was issued against the Farans for the Obama lawn sign. In addition, the board also denied the couples’ proposals for roof and deck renovations under what the Farrans considered less than legitimate circumstances.
Inevitably, the standoff found its way to the courts. The Farrans sued the homeowner’s association, saying that it didn’t have the authority to impose fines, claiming that the association acted illegitimately when it denied their home improvements.
“It’s like we weren’t living in America. You are always one board election away from a tyranny. They wield enormous power,” Maria Farran said in a statement.
During the lawsuit, the homeowner’s association increased yearly dues from $650 per year to $3,500, mostly to cover its legal fees. The belligerent parts also embarked in a tour of mutual accusation, in which one party claimed that they tried to settle the matter, but the other was unwilling to do so.
Twice, in 2010 and 2011, the courts gave merit to the Farrans case, forcing the homeowner’s association to come up with $100,000 to cover legal fees and damages. The HOA was forced to shelter itself under the chapter 11.