Are the Harrison Ford rumors true that the actor has signed on for the new 'Star Wars' movie? So far the Harrison Ford rumor is so far unconfirmed.
The rumors appear to have started with a blurb about the new films on Latino Review, where it was reported almost casually that Ford will be in the new movie Disney has planned, "Star Wars: Episode 7″. The rumor was reported by Kelvin Chavez and Umberto "El Mayimbe" Gonzalez, who say they receive insider information that movie studios don't want to talk about.
While nothing is official yet, fans of the films are extremely excited about the possibility of seeing Solo once again.
The Harrison Ford rumor in the new Star Wars movie has already been cited by the Hollywood Reporter, and Variety. Latino-Review says Harrison Ford will be involved in the new Star Wars franchise. Latino Review has a relatively successful record with their scoops - so there's more than enough reason to believe that there's at least some truth to the report.
Latino Review editor El Mayimbe told FoxNewsLatino: "He is officially coming back as Han Solo.
"His deal is done. It's just formalities right now. They haven't really announced it yet. That's the big one right now."
Harrison Ford - whose character ended up with Carrie's alter ego Princess Leia in 1983's 'Return of the Jedi' - was previously said to be enthusiastic about returning to the franchise, which was bought by Disney from creator George Lucas last year.
'Star Wars 7' is expected to be released in 2015.
Watch an interview with El Mayimbe and FoxNewsLatino below: