Bunnies Attacking Cars at Denver International Airport, Slash Car Wires

Bunnies attacking cars at Denver International Airport? Indeed, that's what these little furry bunnies are up to. They are eating spark plug cables and other wiring, according to reports.

Federal wildlife workers have been called in to solve the problem and are doing so by removing at least 100 bunnies a month, according to the Associated Press. Meanwhile parking companies install better fences and build perches for predator hawks and eagles.

KCNC-TV reported Thursday there's another way to stop the damage that can cost thousands of dollars to repair.

Airport shuttle driver, Michelle Anderson, describes what she witnesses on a daily basis with the following statement:

"I see at least dozens every morning. They go hide under the cars and the cars are warm."

Wiley Faris, who works at Arapahoe Autotek and has dealt with numerous cars that have been targeted by the rascally rabbits, says, "They like to chew on the insulator portion of the ignition cables. That's what we see."

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