‘One Piece’ Chapter 800 Updates: New Alliance Confirms as Seven Captains Drink Sakes As A Pledge; Fujitora Bows At Luffy

"One Piece" fans are rejoicing that its chapter 800 has been released earlier than expected. This chapter reveals that a new alliance has been confirmed as the seven captains drink sakes as a pledge of their loyalty to Luffy. In addition, the chapter also shows that Fujitora bows at Luffy towards the end end of this episode.

Design N Trend states that chapter 800 is titled "An Underling's Vow." The new alliance has not really been formally declared with Luffy's consent despite the pirates offer of becoming his underlings. Luffy thinks that the proposed treaty is exaggeratedly proper. He also says that he is not the kind of pirate who wants to rule over anyone, and that he prefers to be a free pirate king. The declaration of Luffy somehow makes the other pirates stunned and probably slightly offended by what he said. Nonetheless, they slowly begin to understand what Luffy meant by being a free pirate king.

Movie News Guide adds that in the chapter 800 "An Underling's Vow" since the 7 captains of the pirates could not convince Luffy and make him accept their offer, they decided to sit around and drink sake with out him. Then they later made an oath to be the "spear and shield" of Luffy especially in the hour of need. While the 7 captains are in the mood of drinking, some other pirates who are working for the Doflamingo are starting to attack them. The aggressors are demanding the head of Luffy. At this moment, "Yonta Maria quickly scrambles its men to defend themselves." But all of a sudden the Marines Admiral Issho aka Fujitora has been throwing the rubble at the attackers. After they all have driven away the opponents, Fujitora has made a gesture at Luffy. He does thank "the Straw hat Pirates for cleaning up the mess that the World Government made."

Obviously, Chapter 800 of "One Piece" "An Underling's Vow" has shown the new alliance not only with the seven powerful captains but also with Marines Admiral Issho aka Fujitora. Even if Luffy does not want it, he has allies already that would help him every now and then.

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