'Grand Theft Auto V' Patch 1.29 Adds New Trophies and Makes "The Rockstar Editor" Available to PS4 and Xbox One Versions

Good News to all the GTA fans! "The Rockstar Editor" is now available for the PS4 and Xbox One platforms of Grand Theft Auto V. The said editor was part of the Title Update 1.29. Aside from that, new trophies and achievements were added for the gamers to earn, according to Power Up Gaming

The patch was intended for PS4, Xbox One and PC versions. According to the patch notes published in Rockstar Games Support page, there were several Freemodes Events that have been added as well. This addition has added the activities such as "Hunt the Beast" that makes your character stronger and "King of The Castle" where one has to win a turf war to ascend and claim a castle. Those are just 2 of 12 newly added activities. Furthermore, there are 2 New Adversary Mode Jobs namely, "Hunting Pack" and "Cross the Line" added, which unlocks at rank 12.

Moreover, according to the patch notes, The Rockstar Editor was given new features like ambient sound effects added to the menu. Players can also copy and paste their marker properties, have the ability to freeze time in a day in the Director mode, take Snapmatic photos, and get to have ten new fonts just to name a few. New trophies have also been added and this update is also intended for those running the game via Steam.

A lot of general fixes that were intended for all the platforms came with the patch and there also are fixes and updates specific to PS4, Xbox One or PC Versions only.

These are five of the new trophies that players can achieve with the PS4 Versions of GTA 5: Vinewood Visionary, Humans of Los Santos, First Time Director, Animal Lover, and Cult Movie. Players are hoping that these trophies are achievable with the Xbox One and Steam versions as well.

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