Tim Tebow Cancels Talk Scheduled at Controversial Anti-LGBT Church

Tim Tebow has cancelled a talk that was scheduled at a mega-church in Dallas after receiving widespread criticism as pastor has spoken out against Muslims, Jews, Mormons and members of the LGBT community.

The former Broncos quarterback and current New York Jets backup quarterback backed out of the appearance at the First Baptist Church of Dallas after saying on Twitter that he learned some "new information that has been brought to my attention."

Tebow was slated to appear on April 28 at the church which is led by antisemitic Pastor Robert Jeffress, who once called President Barack Obama a servant of "the Antichrist."

The pastor said in a 2011 interview that Mormonism and Islam are "heretical" religions, born from "the pit of Hell." Also, he famously said, "You can't be saved being a Jew." He also denounced the repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell," and said that 70 percent of the gay population has AIDS, and referred to it as "a gay disease," according to ThinkProgress.org.

Tebow, 24, is the New York Jets' backup quarterback and has been open about his Christian beliefs.

Last Easter, Tim Tebow spoke in front of nearly 30,000 churchgoers at Celebration Church's Easter service in Georgetown, Texas. And an AZCentral story about the NFL star's recent appearance at the Impact Church in Scottsdale, Ariz., described "an enraptured audience" falling under the spell of the young quarterback's "it factor."

Tebow last year spoke to about 15,000 people at an outdoor Easter service near Austin.

The First Baptist Church released a statement Thursday concerning the cancellation by Tebow:

"The leaders and congregation of First Baptist Church Dallas are disappointed that New York Jets quarterback Tim Tebow (on Thursday) has announced he will no longer speak at First Baptist Church Dallas on April 28 as part of the month-long celebration events surrounding the grand opening of our new $130 million, state-of-the-art campus on Easter Sunday.

"Mr Tebow called Dr. Jeffress on Wednesday evening saying that for personal and professional reasons he needed to avoid controversy at this time, but would like to come to First Baptist Dallas to speak at a future date.

"We are saddened that Mr. Tebow felt pressure to back out of his long-planned commitment to First Baptist Dallas from numerous New York and national sports and news media who grossly misrepresented past comments made by our pastor, Dr. Robert Jeffress, specifically related to issues of homosexuality and AIDS, as well as Judaism.

"As a Christian pastor, Dr. Jeffress takes a biblical approach to moral and social issues, closely following his duty to preach 'the whole counsel of God,' and not just address issues that are politically correct. First Baptist is a church built on the truth of scripture, even though at times that approach can be perceived as controversial or counter to the prevailing winds of culture.

"The reason for the recent media firestorm is not because the word of God has changed, but because society has changed.

"More important, contrary to editorializing in the media, Dr. Jeffress shares a message of hope, not hate; salvation, not judgment; and a gospel of God's love, grace and new beginnings available to all."

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