Tips for a Bohemian Themed Bedroom

Bohemian designs are often coined as artsy. It's a mixture of different patterns that's bursting with colors. It may look expensive, but it's mostly DIY or bought at the thrift stores. It is ideal for the free-spirited artistic types. It doesn't follow a specific trend and is not restricted in terms of color and pattern combinations. It's a matter of one's own preference. Listed below are tips from Houzz and Home Edit websites to help you create a stress free boho themed rooms.

Gather Inspiration

Research is helpful in creating a boho themed bedroom. Gather inspiration from your favorite artists and immerse yourself in their culture. Be as free-spirited as you can in choosing the design that you would want. Look around and spend time with nature, you might be able to gather inspiration in terms of colors and patterns.

Disregard the Rules

Bohemian themed bedroom doesn't have rules. The mix and match concept isn't applicable as you can throw in different patterns and colors. You can make curtains by putting together old clothes. Place assorted colored pillows on your bed, and associate it with different wall patterns. Using old materials such as old picture frames, vases, and other trinkets that you thing would match your design. Play with the space lights. Using different colored bulbs can make a huge difference.

Make it Personal

Set aside a sacred space, the one that you would often go to for a rest, or simply just to clear your mind. Fill it with your favorite things that can nurture your creative mind. May it be a desk, or a rug on the floor that's filled with pillows. Put up a soft lighting within the area that could help you relax. Putting scented candles within the room can be a great help too. It gives a touch of color and it can aid in putting up a relaxing feel.

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