The Puzzling Truth Why Millennials are Not Opting for Homeownership

For most times, people tend to believe that millennials are not opting for mortgage loan for the reason of having student loans. However, a new study revealed that the impact of student loans on home ownership is not that precise. For it may also be due to high rent that serves as bigger impediment for most millennial not being able to save for a home down payment. Svenja Gudell, the Chief Economist of Zillow seems to favor the idea that 'student debt isn't the evil-doer'. For as to his statement via bizjournals, Gudell stated that;

"College students paying their tuition with borrowed money can rest easy this fall in their dorm rooms: the income advantage of getting a degree pays off in terms of being able to buy a home in the long run. Student debt isn't the evil-doer it's made out to be, at least not when it comes to homeownership. As long as students stay in school and get a degree, student debt doesn't deter them from homeownership"

A recent study from Transunion also affirms with the idea of Gudell, that the obligation for student loans hindering homeownership is "overblown." Though most people would like to know the reality of this phenomenon, still there are some puzzling factors in relevance to the said event. Even Beth Akers, from Brookings Institute's Brown Center of Education Policy stated via time that, "given the fact that financial returns on investment for higher education are positive and large, the notion that debt is harmful to students is a little puzzling."

Viewing the situation from a macroscopic perspective, it seems like student loan would be the best culprit for millennial delaying homeownership, but as to the perspective of Akers, "student loan debt may not be overburdening young consumers on a macroeconomic level, but what's still unknown is the emotional and social cost of carrying such debt."

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