'Vikings' Season 4 Release Date & Spoilers: King Ragnar and King Ecbert to Form an Alliance; Ragnar To Be Ousted by His People?

There's so much in store in the upcoming Season 4 of "Vikings," and new alliances will reportedly form such as King Ragnar and King Ecbert's surprising partnership. How did this come about?

Christian Post via Master Herald shares that it's all based on the principle that "my enemy's enemy is my friend." The source describes this new alliance as "uneasy," but then it is believed that King Ecbert would be "a good foil" for Ragnar, especially since they both have the same ambition of taking down the king of France. They'll also reportedly discover along the way that they have more things in common than they think.

Meanwhile, will the people oust King Ragnar? Looks like Rollo's plans of kicking his brother out of the throne won't be necessary anymore, since the people would be doing the job for him. Recent spoilers suggest that there will be certain events that will force the king to step down from his title, but not much has been said except that it wouldn't be Ragnar's choice. If Ragnar will step down, his sons Bjorn and Ivor are expected to fight for his place.

According to MNR Daily, fans of the show can expect a "bigger and bloodier" Season 4 of "Vikings". Michael Hirst, the creator of the show, shared in an interview that Ragnar's sickly state will make a huge impact in the upcoming season, which could mean a sudden shift in power in son Bjorn's favor.

Additionally, the king's children will also establish their own power in the kingdom. Hirst shares that "instead of following one charismatic leader, hopefully, we'll have four young charismatic leads to follow."

The much-awaited Season 4 of the History Channel's "Vikings" will premiere sometime in 2016.

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