‘Super Smash Bros 4’ DLC: Leaked Details Reveal Characters Shovel Knight, Runbow And More Coming To The Game?

Rumor has it that there will be plenty of new characters coming to the "Super Smash Bros 4" video game via DLC.Die-hard fans and players of the game can reportedly expect Shovel Knight, Runbow and other characters to be included in the game soon.

The news comes after new details of the game have been leaked by a 4chan user. However, it was emphasized that these details are purely speculations and should not, in any way, be construed as fact unless confirmed by the game developer, a report from iDigital Times said on Wednesday.

According to the report, a leaked photo of the game's DLC reveals the inclusion of Shovel Knight as a fighter. Aside from the Shovel Knight character, included also in the leak is Runbow, which is an indie game that has been earning good reviews from Wii U gamers.

However, despite the new wave of excitement these details would bring to the "Super Smash Bros 4," industry experts who are familiar with the game are wary of the authenticity of the leaked photos. For instance, the inclusion of Shovel Knight in the game is reportedly a big surprise, but the recent screenshots are said to be not so convincing, while the same doubt has been cast about the inclusion of Runbow.

The leaked screenshots also reveal new Mii costumes that will be worn by the game's various characters. The costumes are presented as follows:

  • Shantae
  • Krystal
  • Waluigi (Overalls Only)
  • Ice Climber (Male is Popo, female is Nana)
  • Chibi Robo
  • Magnus
  • Kumatora
  • Maked Man
  • Pokemon Trainer (Male is red, I have not seen the female one yet)

Meanwhile, a user named OnePieceFan posted a comment on GameFaq website and claimed that the leaked screenshots are all "fake."

"It's already been proven fake - the person who made the Shovel Knight render said that it was made by them (I think that someone else used it), and the font used in the trophy description is different from normal (the lower-case y is what people noticed). It's a shame, though; I would have been interested to see what a Runbow stage would be like," the user said.

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