'Microsoft Office 2016' Features: Clutter Solution, Skype Integration, Wunderlist, More!

"Microsoft Office 2016" is not just about new designs and layouts, The productivity suite has a lot of new features in store for you. It has been designed and improved to make your work extra easy.

If you're still stuck in the idea that Office is just about writing your term papers, then you are very wrong. Once you have downloaded the "Office 2016," you will have access to tools that will not only be able to connect to your social accounts to help plan your coming weekend, it will also automatically separate your emails based on how important they are.

For business users, tons of "Microsoft Office 2016" features will make your life easier in communicating and collaborating. Creating different stuff will also be a piece of cake.

First, the Clutter solution. Sometimes SPAM folders are not enough. Sometimes there are actual people from our contacts who may be too close to us to be put in the junk folder, but are annoying enough to be constantly seen in our inbox. The Clutter for Outlook can detect based on your email usage whether or not each email should be in your inbox. So if you never open emails coming from your annoying co worker, Clutter will send the next emails from that person to another folder. You can access this folder whenever you like, and you can send the emails back to the inbox if you want to. Don't worry about missing something important as Clutter sends out weekly notifications to tell you what emails you missed.

Secondly, the Skype Integration. Microsoft has already made the document collaboration possible years ago, which allows you and your colleagues to edit docs simultaneously without the need to attach files and send emails. But sometimes, your colleagues may not be as techy as you are and you would need to Skype call them for more instructions. With the "Office 2016," jumping to a Skype call from Word and Outlook is already possible. This means that a second application is no longer needed if you want a video call from an Office app. All you have to do is press a button and select a chat partner so you can start the collaboration.

Then we have the Smart Lookup. It's not exactly a revolutionary tool, but it's very useful in a docs app that we always use. If you're hesitant about your spelling, you just have to highlight a word or phrase and select the option Smart Lookup. Then a sidebar result box will show up with all necessary information about your highlighted items.

Next, we have the Wunderlist. This app allows you to share to do lists and keep it interactive. You can assign tasks to people and monitor people's progress. Wunderlist sends out reminders and allows you to comment on tasks so you can micromanage your work pals. Alongside the Wunderlist, the Office Planner is also a good tool. It allows people to create a dashboard for group projects.. Project assignments can be made as well as tracking progress and setting up responsibilities. Notifications will also be provided upon any alterations, so you don't have to check the dashboard every now and then. This will be a great substitute for group emailing.

The Tell Me functionality is something we can definitely use as well. It makes all the formatting easier within Office apps. If you hate formatting, all you need to do is enter a text command and the Office will fix it for you. It was said that voice commands will work on Tell Me, but it wasn't mentioned if the feature will be available by the release of "Office 2016."

The Office Lens tool is another useful option. It lets you take a document image from your camera phone, and then make that image into an editable doc. Scanning items is no longer necessary. All you need is to snap a photo and then edit.

All these new "Microsoft Office 2016" features are nothing but exciting. We can't wait to get our hands on it and start experimenting.

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