Nick Diaz on His Five-Year Suspension, "They've taken it away from me."

The test results have not only put Nick Diaz in trouble with the law and his career but has given him a lot to worry about, financially, in the next five years.

According to MMA Weekly, the Nevada Athletic Commission has slapped a $165,000 fine and a five-year suspension after his test results came out positive for marijuana following his match with Anderson Silva at UFC 183.

Diaz has shared with TMZ Sports about how upset he is with the Commission's decision. Nick said, "I held off on having kids and getting married so I could fight. I gave my life to this. I am a fighter. It's what I am. A lot of guys have to worry about what their wives and kids think, I don't. All my attention goes towards fighting, and now I don't know if I can fight. They've taken it away from me." He also said that he is now paying attention to his finances and hope that he would be able to fight in other states so he could earn a living.

In the meantime, he is getting prevailing support from fellow MMA fighters who think the punishment is just too harsh. Just recently, Ronda Rousey has lashed at Nevada State Athletic Commission, according to MMA Junkie. She said, "I'm against them testing for any weed at all. It's not a performance-enhancing drug. It has nothing to do with athletic competition, and it's only tested for political reasons so they say, 'Oh, it's only for your safety so you're not hurting yourself when you're out there.' So why don't they test for all the other things that could possibly hurt us that we could be under the influence of while we're out there?"

Nick Diaz, now 32, started fighting in the MMA when he was 18. He hopes that his friend Ronda Rousey would not get into trouble for lashing at the Commission.

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