'Grimm' Season 5 Spoilers: Rosalee, Adalind and Monroe Reveal What's Coming in the Next Season

"Grimm" Season 4 ended with an unexpected shocking scene. Juliette, the Grimm's love interest, was shot with a bow by Trubel while she was trying to take Nick's life. It was a major cliffhanger so if the producers are wondering if the fans are ready for the next season, well no Wesen is powerful enough to keep Grimmsters away from the TV when Season 5 of Grimm premiers on Oct. 30.

In an interview with Cassidy Quinn of KGW, stars Bree Turner (Rosalee), Claire Coffee (Adalind) and Silas Weir Mitchell (Monroe) gave fans a scoop of what is coming on the next season of Grimm. There was a lot of "Baby" talk but it was clear that the only baby that was coming is Nick and Adalind's. So for all the fans who have been requesting for Monroe and Rosalee to have a baby, Silas has confirmed that it isn't happening in Season 5.

Claire Coffee talked about how two sworn enemies (Nick and Adalind) end up co-parenting a baby but as to the rumors about the Grimm and the Hexenbeist developing some sort of romantic relationship, none was ever mentioned although she said that Nick and Adalind "are figuring out a way to live with each other." "Live with each other" sounds like a clue but it is still kind of vague. She also hinted that "relationships are changing" and mentioned about having a new rebellious group in Season 5. "A lot of fun, new monsters and parenting tips," she noted.

Bree Turner said that Season 5 is a complete "reboot" of the show with new characters coming. She sees the fifth season as 12 notches higher than the previous seasons. When she was asked about Episode 100, she jokingly said there is going to be a party. But when she was asked about Rosalee and Monroe having a baby, she only talked certainly about Adalind and Nick's baby but no clue was given about a half-Fuchsbau, half blutbad bundle of joy.

On the other hand, it was Silas who gave the most insightful scoop for Season 5. He believes that the new season of Grimm is going to be a very good season because this year, there is going to be "one big story line that sort of galvanizes everything" unlike last year's season where in there were stories that went that way and another that went this way. He added, this year it will be "simple and direct." When he was asked about Episode 100 that will be happening this season, he said he did not know what they will have for that but he was certain that a lot of questions will be answered, questions about the keys and coins. And he also mentioned that the fans can expect a big Wesen uprising and about the Wesen with a very long name that was coming, "Man, you don't want to dress up like those!"

Season 5 of Grimm premieres Oct. 30 on NBC.

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