'Splatoon' Update: Leak Features New Characters With Amiibo And Weapon DLC?

Rumor has it that "Splatoon," a third-person shooter video game developed and published by Nintendo for the Wii U earlier this year, will be receiving a new DLC. The news comes after photos of the game have been leaked via The Koalition website, which show the Octoling gameplay featuring 20 new weapons and items, a report from Design & Trend said on Thursday.

"Of most important note is that the reported major update may add a second playable race to single player and multiplayer modes. In addition to the Inkling characters that headlined 'Splatoon's' launch, the source claims that players might eventually be able to take to the arena as an Octoling. As their name implies, the new class of fighter is an octopus-like creature with similar ink-swimming abilities. There may be special features for the characters as well, but those have not been documented," the report said.

The Koalition reports that the leaked photos were from a Twitch stream, via the account NWPlayer123. It was said that the game's upcoming DLC was first spotted last August, and just recently, it has gained the attention of the players. Nintendo did not confirm the existence of such DLC; however, players believe that some contents showed on the stream are accurate.

NWPlayer123 has listed the 20 weapons coming to the game as weapons DLC, which are as follows.

  • Neo Sploosh-o-matic
  • Luna Blaster Neo
  • Custom Range Blaster
  • Rapid Blaster Pro
  • Rapid Blaster Pro Deco
  • H-3 Nozzlenose D
  • Carbon Roller Deco
  • Octobrush Nouveau
  • Slosher Deco
  • Tri-Slosher
  • Tri-Slosher Nouveau
  • BigBall_Launcher_00 (Future)
  • BigBall_Launcher_01 (Future)
  • Custom E-liter 3K Scope
  • Bamboozler 14 Mk II
  • Zink Mini Splatling
  • Heavy Splatling Deco
  • Hydra Splatling
  • Custom Hydra Splatling

Based on the leaked photos sourced from NWPlayer123, the game will be getting a truckload of new contents, the new weapons, and specifically the "Octolings," which is said to be a counterpart to the game's Inklings. It added that Octolings are playable species in the video game.

"The playable Octoloings will have the ability to change into a kraken, similar to the squid form of the Inklings during the main campaign and online multiplayer. Octolings will have they own unique special abilities that may differ from the Inklings from before," the report said, describing the game's character.

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