‘Assassin's Creed Syndicate’ Gameplay: Game Introduces Transgender Characters

A new report has surfaced on Friday saying that for first the time "Assassin Creed's Syndicate" will introduce transgender characters. One of the transgender characters that will be featured is a transgender male named Ned Wynert. Ubisoft claims that the decision to include transgender characters in the game is to have a sense of "inclusiveness," a report from Gamespot said.

In the said report, "Assassin's Creed Syndicate" creative director Marc-Alexis Côté explains that "inclusiveness is something that's super important for us as a team. We've made a good push towards diversity and how we approach different subjects in the game."

Polygon has also noted that the game's opening statement which can be read at the beginning of the game has been changed to echo "diversity," which Ubisoft wants to emphasize in the game.

"Inspired by historical events and characters, this work of fiction was designed, developed, and produced by a multicultural team of various beliefs, sexual orientations and gender identities," reads the game's new opening statement.

"Ubisoft's decision marks a leap forward for inclusivity in the Assassin's Creed series. Syndicate is also the first game in the franchise to allow players a choice between male and female main characters for many of its missions. The changes come a year after Assassin's Creed: Unity suffered intense criticism for not including a female character option in the game's co-op mode, despite one initially having been in development," Eurogamer said.

"Assassin's Creed Syndicate" is scheduled to be released on Oct. 23 for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Ubisoft has earlier announced that the game's PC version will be available on Nov. 19.

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