'HTC One A9' News, Design: Leak Reveals iPhone Look Imitation

The "HTC One A9" has been a big leak factory in the recent weeks and the latest rumor is about its six phone colors - the acid gold, opal silver, deep garnet, carbon grey, rose gold, and cast iron. These color leaks from @evleaks' Twitter posts can create an assumption that the new "HTC One A9" looks kinda like the "iPhone 6S". The resemblance is undeniable with only a few differences. From the rear, the metal shell and antenna lines that run at the top and bottom of the phone, makes the HTC phone a bit identical to the Apple 2015 flagship phone. The only things that differ, and perhaps the things that they most likely cannot adjust, are the location of the camera and of course, the logo.

From the front view, nothing is extraordinary, but it's the front, and you can only do so much in beautifying it especially when it's mostly screen. Luckily, there is no circle button in there that will imply iPhone idolatry. But there seems to be a button in front which may also function as the phone's fingerprint scanner.

Although the resemblance of the "HTC One A9" and the "iPhone 6S" is rather undeniable, we all know that HTC don't need any inspiration from Apple when it comes to their smartphone creation. HTC creates some of the best and most high end phones, and although comparisons with Apple are arguable, it is certain that HTC knows what exactly the people are looking for.

So far, we only have leaks and rumors, but these rumors don't just arise for no reason, minor basis are everywhere, we just have to recognize them. So far, what has been heard is that the "HTC One A9" can go for a massive deca-core Helio X20 processor with 4 GB of RAM. That'll be amazing if those rumors were true. But if not, the least processor spec of the "HTC One A9" would probably be the octa core Snapdragon 617 with 2 GB RAM, which wouldn't do so bad as well.

As of now, all we can do is wait and wish for the best phone with the best price from HTC. Fortunately, the waiting won't be very long as HTC will be holding an event on the 29th of September. Yes, it's the same date as Google's event where people are expecting the announcement of a new Nexus phablet. So, mark your calendars, September 29 will be a big day full of tech announcements.

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