'Heroes of the Storm' Game Updates: 'Blizzard' Releases New Female Character into Public Test Realm

"Heroes of the Storm", Blizzard Entertainment's online multiplayer battle arena video game for Windows and OS X, has a new but familiar character. According to Polygon, during Gamescom 2015, it was announced this newcomer was created with inspiration from StarCraft: Brood War. And now behold Lt. Morales who has just stepped into the public test realm.

Lt. Morales is a new "Heroes of the Storm" support character, a medic who can regenerate to 3 percent health every second after 4 seconds of taking no damage as part of her trait Caduceus Reactor. As a support character, she is equipped with Healing Beam, which heals one ally every half second for as long as they remain within the area of effect. Since it only heals one ally at a time, the player needs to press Q to reselect the target. What is nice about this ability is that reportedly there is no cooldown. In addition, she is also equipped with "Safeguard" or the ability to reduce damage to the targeted ally for 3 seconds. And in order for the trusty medic to be able to protect herself, she is given with an attack ability "Displacement Grenade" which deals damage as it explodes right when it comes into contact with the enemies.

Apart from her basic abilities, Lt. Morales also has Medivac Dropship, which allows her and her teammates to travel to a chosen area but take note the channeling time is 4 seconds. She also has Stim Drone which gives a selected ally 75 percent increase in attack speed and 25 percent additional movement speed for ten seconds.

The developing team, according to polygon, regards Morales as an assertive character. "She's guarding all of these teammates with her life," "Heroes of the Storm" lead artist Phil Gonzales said. Moreover, Gonzales had said that they are pulling efforts to avoid redundancies with every hero they add to "Heroes of the Storm" as the game is said to continue to get more characters.

Blizzard has not made any announcement yet as to when Lt. Morales will move to the live realm "Heroes of the Storm." Do you think Lt. Morales' abilities are balanced? Share your thoughts below.

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