'Big Brother 17' Update: Steve Moses the Big Winner of $500K; Other Cast Members and Fans React Over His Win

"Big Brother 17" already crowned its winner and it is the 22-year-old college student from Gouverner, New York, Steve Moses. Steve took home the $500,000 grand prize money last Wednesday night. Steve won with 6 votes to 3.

ET was able to talk to Steve at the Big Brother backyard and when asked about his win he said, "Lots of feelings. All of the feelings. Of the things that were possible, when I applied for the show, this wasn't one of them."

He also shared to ET how he felt when he applied for the reality game show, saying, "I knew when I applied, I would never hear anything." Moses continued, "When I heard something, there was no way I would actually walk in the house. Walk in the house, I'll be out the first week... and, every step I thought was my last step. This was never a possibility. This was never a possibility," he said.

The game plan changed when Moses voted out Vanessa Rousso during BB17 Finale Night. "I had to!" Moses said. "I mean, it's weird ... Big Brother U.S. has never seen a big backstab on finale night."

It came as a shock to a lot of BB17 fans and followers that Vanessa got evicted during the finale night. She was the considered as one of the strongest players of the said season. And a lot of fans expected her to win and that includes ET Host Julie Chen.

Vanessa said after the show, "That actually makes me so happy that Julie Chen pegged me to win. I'm a huge Julie Chen fan. She's hard to read... so, I never knew. Like, does Julie not like me?"

Rousso may have not won the game but she is not bitter about it and instead gave Steven a big bear hug.

"I'm OK with that," Rousso said. "It wasn't meant to be for me. It was meant to be for Steve, and he's a good kid. You know, he's a very good kid and he's a huge fan of the game."

Liz Nolan is also said to be okay with Steve's winning the game. When Steve voted out Vanessa he assured Liz a slot in the final two and $50,000. "I can't even breathe right now. I did not know that Steve was going to take me ... he really surprised me, to say the least," Liz said.

Celebrity Dirty Laundry reported that it has always been known that the ending of Big Brother is "bittersweet." However, this season made it more boring and predictable for most fans and followers.

TV Guide gathered some of the things that Steve's other house guests got to say about his win.

Liz said, "I'm really proud of him. He's wanted this his whole life." While here is what Vanessa got to say about Steve voting her out, "I was hoping for him to make a mistake and not evict me! I can't not respect the game move. It's a compliment at the end of the day. He framed it as a compliment. I'm gonna take it as a compliment."

James said, "Steve winning is awesome. The kid became a man. I'm happy for him."

"I couldn't be more happy for the guy. He won when he needed to win. People say he wasn't bold in the beginning. I think that was his strategy not to win HOHs early. He won the last couple HOHs and got out Vanessa. I think people think he's a floater, but he's not at all," was Clay's reaction.

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