'Legend of Zelda Wii U' News: Game Will Be Worth the Wait, Game Producer Says; Aonuma Discusses Other Details

A high-ranking official who is privy to the plans about the popular video game, "Legend of Zelda Wii U," has said that gamers who patiently waited for the game's release will be rewarded. Game producer Eiji Aonuma has earlier announced that the game is unlikely to be released on Wii U this year, saying that it is no longer the priority of the company for 2015. Because of this, he claims that Nintendo is planning to make up for the players' patience via in-game rewards, a report from Master Herald said on Monday.

"We are no longer making a 2015 release our number one priority. Instead, our priority is to make it the most complete and ultimate Zelda game. I hope to use the added time to make The Legend of Zelda for Wii U into a game that will reward you for your patience, so thank you for your continued support," "Legend of Zelda" producer Eiji Aonuma said in a video statement, as quoted by The Gospel Herald.

Unfortunately, Aonuma's announcement has caused disappointment to both avid fans and gamers of the "Legend of Zelda" for Wii U. It was said that players are actually expecting that a new game will be released this Christmas season. However, Nintendo has assured players that a new game will be released in 2016. It can be recalled that during this year's E3 event, Nintendo America Executive VP Scott Moffitt has explained that the game will only be released once it's free from technical glitches.

"We confirmed that a Zelda game, a new Zelda experience is in development for the Wii U and we have our team hard at work on that," Moffitt said. He added Nintendo wants to limit issues as much as possible during its release.

"We want [the new game] to be the best Zelda experience. Fans have been waiting for and deserve a game when it's ready, when it's fully featured and when it can live up to what we would like to deliver," said Moffitt as quoted by iDigital Times.

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