'How to Get Away With Murder' Season 2 Spoilers: Will Annalise-Wes' Romance Unfold?

"How to Get Away with Murder" is back and fans are eager to know on what's in store for the next season. The Hollywood Reporter was able to have an interview with Pete Nowalk in which he dished out several spoilers on what the HTGAWM season 2 has to offer.

After revealing Rebecca's killer during the premiere, it is now known that Bonnie is responsible for her death. This was revealed when she made a confession to Annalise, that she was responsible for Rebecca's death.

During his interview with THR, Nowalk gave out some major spoilers that would give fans a sneak peek on what to expect all throughout the "How To Get Away With Murder" season 2.

Lila was killed. Sam was killed. Rebecca was killed. Annalise was shot. Will the series continue to be like a game of dominoes where each murder is covered up with another?

"I think of it more like a mob show. That's what happens in a mob show and Annalise is a sort of a mobster in her own way. I think she's even a cooler mobster because she doesn't have a mob to back her up. The stakes get higher and higher with covering up the murder. That's very true to the story. Things are going to get more and more complicated. Things don't get less complicated as you cover up a murder; they just get more complicated."

Entertainment Weekly was able to have a chat with Pete Nowalk in which they discussed about the potential relationship that could form between Was and Annalise.

Is it just me or is there totally sexual tension between Wes and Annalise on "How to Get Away with Murder?"

"You're not alone. I thought there was definitely something going on during that club scene, so I took that question to show-runner Pete Nowalk. "Wes and Annalise have a very special relationship," he says. "We definitely are going to reveal more about what that is this season. There's lots of people in relationships with an age difference. It just depends on what you picture." So, maybe?"

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