8 Reasons Why You Should Move Out of Home Before You're 30

Deciding on the age by which one gets to move out of home may be quite tough. While many choose to live out of their parents' home as early as they reach 18 years old, according to Stuff, some prefer to stay at home before reaching the age of 30. This is mainly because of the rising rental costs and the low employment rates. But, living on your own brings a lot of life lessons and insights. Here are the reasons why it is ideal to live independently before one reaches 30.

1. "All the women, who are independent, throw your hands up at me"

As taken from the lyrics of the song "Independent Women" (and should include men, too) by Destiny's Child, nothing comes close to the great feeling of becoming independent. Although there may be shocking and challenging moments, as you assume many responsibilities, and as some comforts you used to enjoyed at your parents' home may now be stripped away, in the end, you will still gain happiness and self-gratification from your independence.

2. It forces you to cull your things and friends

When you move out, you are compelled to choose the things you will be bringing with you. This separation extends even to your friendships, as you will be moving away as well from your childhood friends. It is not bad after all for distance may be a measure of what true friendship is all about.

3. You learn the true value of money sooner

The sooner you become independent, the sooner you will realize your dollars' worth and adopt necessary budgeting skills. Blowing your budget while you are still at home shouldn't be that harsh as when this happens when you are already living on your own.

4. The oh-so sweet taste of freedom

By living independently, you are spared from the bounds of your parents' limitations and judgment. Do things and eat and drink to your heart's content.

5. You will enjoy more freedom with your relationship

Still related to your freedom, you are more likely to enter and sustain a relationship when you are living in your own place, as you and your partner won't have awkward encounters with your parents.

6. You will meet challenging people along the way (and that's a good thing!)

Moving out of your home may mean sharing a house with complete strangers. If you are fortunate, they can turn into life-long friends; if not, they may turn into your "frenemy" (friend-enemy). Through such challenges, you will be able to communicate better and resolve conflicts in all areas of life.

7. You get to develop your own taste

By moving out, you will be able to create your own unique taste and style -- from your clothes, to your space arrangement and decorations. Doing things on your own will also teach you the do's and don'ts of styling.

8. It teaches you to follow your own path

Many are quite uncertain exactly where leaving the nest will lead, but by doing it, you will forge and follow your own path. You will also learn a great deal about yourself and others along the way.

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