'Avengers: Age of Ultron' Deleted Scene Reveals Thor's Complete Vision

Marvel has released a deleted scene from its "Avengers: Age of Ultron Movie." It's from the scene in the film where Thor (Chris Hemsworth) goes into a dark, mysterious cave, dips into the pool, sees a vision, and then rejoins the Avengers to defeat Ultron.

According to Slate, many fans have already questioned that part of the film, which felt out of place. It also left many unanswered questions. For one, why did Thor have to go that cave in the first place?

Now they are finally getting some answers. In the short clip, Thor's trip to the cave revealed to be an important decision, so he can find out the background of the Infinity Stones. Also, he didn't go alone. He is joined by Dr. Selvig, who helps him by recording the whole thing. The deleted scene shows Thor taking a sip from his flask and then became possessed by a Norn, one of the beings who control the destinies of both gods and men.

"It is one of the six. The infinite six," the Norn-possessed Thor revealed, alluding to Loki's staff. This definitely gives a much broader perspective to the succeeding Marvel films, which may be focusing on the Infinity Stones. If so, fans can expect an Infinity War very soon.

Last May, "Avengers" writer and director Joss Whedon talked to Empire as to why this significant scene didn't make it to the theatrical release, saying that Thor is always "the hardest one to integrate."

Whedon added, "Chris [Hemsworth] got to do something different, and he really threw himself into it, and he did a beautiful job, but it wasn't well regarded by the test audiences and I feel it's probably largely because it was a rough cut with no effects, but also because it's something that in a Thor movie would work brilliantly, but in this movie is just a little too left of centre."

"Avengers: Age of Ultron" is currently the third highest-grossing movie of the year. The DVD and Blu-Ray version, which will include commentaries and more deleted scenes, will come out this Friday, Oct. 2.

Watch the clip below:

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