The Sony PlayStation VR is rumored to hit the market ahead of its rivals, but regardless of what the actual release date is going to be, there are already solid details about its design and specs.
According to a product review by Alphr, the Sony PlayStation VR leads the competition in terms of design. It reportedly has also outdone the "ski goggle" design of the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive. Moreover, Sony has designed it to have majority of the headset's weight over the player's forehead instead of having it strapped onto front the player's head. In terms of weight, Sony PlayStation VR reportedly doesn't feel heavier than a PS4 DualShock 4 pad and therefore it seemed incredibly light. Lastly putting it on or taking it off was said to be much easier as Sony has designed the unit to easily slide towards or away from your face. However the design has a little downside, it was reported that there is a small gap between the visor and your face is a small gap through which you could see your arms while playing. The Rift and Vive are said to provide a completely sealed viewing area.
Moreover, in terms of core specifications, it is said to be similar to Oculus' Rift, According to Alphr. Similar to Rift DK2, PlayStation VR runs at 960 x 1,080 per eye. Both the Oculus' headset and PlayStation VR can track movements but the latter uses "PS4's camera to track the nine glowing lights on the VR unit to work out the orientation of your head".
Meanwhile, according to IT Pro, contrary to popular impression that the VR is a solitary medium, Simon Benson, director of Sony Computer Entertainment Worldwide has said that, "Some people think that VR can be quite an isolating experience, but that's not really very 'PlayStation'".
"we also looked at ways that we can make sure that the whole idea of sharing and community - which works really well on PlayStation [VR]"
Will you be willing to try it once it is out?