'Half-Life 3' Updates: "It won't be a virtual reality game"

Half-Life 2: Episode Two was a first person shooter game developed by Valve Corporation and is available for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Microsoft Windows, GNU/Linux, Mac OS. After Half-Life 2 was released in October 10, 2007, Valve did not seem to have ever talked about Half-Life 3 so it is hard for fans to imagine Valve working on a project such as a sequel to Episode 2.

Surprisingly, during Valve's attendance at EGX 2015 in the UK last week, the company did say something about Half-Life 3. According to Geek.com, Chet Faliszek, video game writer and employee of Valve was quick to say, "No!" when he was asked if Half-Life 3 was going to end up as a virtual reality game. His short answer surely has propelled some hopeful souls to hypothesize that a Valve employee has just confirmed that there is going to be a Half-Life 3. However, to the dismay but benefit of everybody, Geek clarifies that Faliszek was simply saying that that if the game was made, or even if it is being made, it won't be a virtual reality game. It was not a confirmation at all.

On the other hand, according to Movie Pilot, there are speculations that Valve may not release Half-Life 3 at all. A source has leaked to the website that the reason are not financial. Instead valve is concerned that the company might receive backlash from the gaming community if Half-Life 3 would not meet its standards. If these were true then people need to know since Half-Life is a game that is dubbed by Day Herald as one of the most awaited games of 2015.

Needless to say, Valve needs to somehow give the Half-Life fans some enlightenment. Otherwise these speculations, which may not be true, would just go on and on. Do you think Valve should just come clean if they are not planning to release Half-Life 3?

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