'Grey's Anatomy' Season 12 Episode 2: Bailey 'Nazi' Leadership As Chief; Amelia Facing Serious 'Rash'

Many things have happened since the season-opener of "Grey's Anatomy" last Thurs. The episode entitled "Sledgehammer" gets us back to Meredith's journey after the passing of her partner and the new stories occurring to the characters of Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital. It also taught us a valuable lesson about what gender and sexuality freedom meant and how bullying can damage anyone's lives.

Meanwhile, Cartermatt includes some "Grey's Anatomy" Season 12 spoilers that will be aired this coming Thurs. entitled "Walking Tall." In the second episode, it looks like we will get to know more about Bailey's leadership as the episode will be regarding her first day as the new chief of surgery in the hospital. According to Christian Post, the promotion of Bailey might get to her head so much that she would have some conflicts along with her leadership. Also on the promo video, the team is now feeling and sour about her leadership as she was known to have a "Nazi" type of attitude.

Aside from Bailey's first day, IB Times reported that "Grey's Anatomy" Season 12 Episode 2 will also point out to April's struggle with her husband Jackson and not only will she be facing some struggles in their marriage. April is also off to face a rash that will bring her to the "isolation bubble." The rash was said to also bring pandemonium on Bailey's leadership. The question is will the struggle of April with her unknown rash bring her and Jackson's marriage closer again?

The next episode will also highlight the real score between Amelia and Owen. Will we see the two become "official?"

The synopsis on this week's episode "Walking Tall" are provided below by Cartermatt:

"The pressure is on as a determined Bailey tackles her first day as Chief; meanwhile, April's marriage is in jeopardy and she finds herself unable to address her problems; Meredith struggles to juggle all her responsibilities and Amelia works to define her relationship with Owen."

Watch "Grey's Anatomy" season 12 every Thurs. 8pm on ABC.

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