Twitter Limit 140 Characters: Company in the Verge of Finding New CEO; Debates Ongoing on what the New Platform should Look Like

Until now, Twitter is still trying to search for a long-term CEO, though its co-founder, Jack Dorsey, is currently the acting CEO. The company is also trying their best to find ways to increase the number of characters that users could tweet.

Recode reported that this plan is quite vague and was only released so as Twitter could say they were "building a new product" which would let users post longer tweets to the platform. However, the firm was seeing other solutions, from raising the number of characters permitted in a tweet, to making a single content and adding longer pieces in the service.

Nothing is final yet. There has been continuous arguments at the company about the solutions to the character limit, a unique feature to the platform that has built its own language and eccentric brevity style, but has had its apparent limits. Users are too eager to come up with a solution to the character limit by posting images of longer text or making "tweetstorm" links to their longer tweets.

One of the major challenges of Twitter is deciding on how much more they could stretch the limit, and how longer tweets should look, as this could change the so-called Twitter experience. One group is positive about this change by just adding 10 more characters, while others would have it as is, as this will take a longer time to put in sources to creating a sufficient posting in the social media platform. Whatever new platform they will use, it is not yet confirmed.

Setting aside the argument in the middle of a change on the service team, Jeff Selbert, the person managing the company's services, is working to change the process in which product specifications are being built, based on the users' needs. Instead of piece-meal tests that result to incremental product launches, Twitter is investing resources and time for upgrades and resources that are in sync with a wider vision.

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