'Facebook' New Updates: Social Media Giant Now Lets Users Use a Looping Video as Profile Picture

Say hello to innovative animated profile pictures as Facebook allows a 7-second "looping video" to be used as a profile video.

Soon enough, users will be able to replace boring static profile pictures with more lively profile videos, which will play whenever someone visits your profile. This, together with few other changes listed below, will be expected to make a huge impact on the Facebook experience of the users.

In a newsroom post, Facebook Product Managers Aigerim Shorman and Tony Hsieh wrote, "Profile videos will let show a part of yourself you couldn't before, and add a new dimension to your profile."

Facebook is introducing major changes to its user profiles with the looping video as one of them. The other changes are temporary profile pictures, improved profile controls for your About info (including a Twitter-like 100-character Bio field) with an option to pin featured photos to the top of the profile and a mobile-friendly design with centered profile photos plus big sections for photos and friend.

Temporary Profile Picture

The temporary profile picture will let you choose a profile picture which can be reverted to the old photo after the time set. This can be helpful if you want to promote a cause of a certain period of time.

Improved Profile Controls

Your user profile also even got better with the improved controls with a customizable space at the top of your profile. You can change the visibility of the fields that will show up on this space. Facebook also added the Twitter-like 100-character Bio field. To top it all up, you can choose up to five featured photos to be showcased at the top of your profile.

Mobile-friendly Design

With the influx of mobile users, Facebook also built a mobile design. Profile pictures are now centered and enlarged to put us front-and-center.

With the new improvements and changes such as the profile looping video on Facebook, users will be more engaged socially. Like what the Facebook managers posted on Newsroom, "We believe these improvements to profile will give people more ways to connect and share with each other, and express themselves in meaningful ways."

What are your thoughts about Facebook's new features? Are you excited for the upcoming changes? Share your thoughts below!

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