Halloween Decor Ideas: 8 New Creative Pumpkin Designs

Halloween is right around the corner! Don't you think it's the perfect time for those halloween decorations? Let's start it off with the pumpkins, get overboard this time and ready to be creative in designing your pumpkins.

HGTV and Country Living shows you how to bedazzle, paint, even make those pumpkins a metal beauty. Ready for the fun project? The DIY will show you eight wonderful ways you can decorate those pumpkins, to view the designs just click on the pumpkin design titles.

Pumpkin Idea 1: Black "Point the way to yummy candies" pumpkin

Materials: Black spray-paint, small fine brush for lettering, white paint

Step 1: Using a black spray-paint, cover your pumpkin in black up to its stem.

Step 2: Scribble the word "candy" on the upper left side using a fine small brush and white paint.

Step 3: Draw an arrow also in white paint under "candy."

Pumpkin Idea 2: Groovy patterned pumpkin

Materials: Masking tape cut in various sizes, acrylic craft paints (try Martha Stewart crafts satin acrylic paints in fun colors like light blue, pink, yellow green, tangerine, yellow and black) and different size paint brushes.

Step 1: Cut your masking tape in different widths and sizes.

Step 2: Stick them up on the pumpkin in zigzag patterns.

Step 3: Paint your pumpkin in yellow.

Step 4: Freehand the painting of the zigzag designs using different colors and writing it in different paint brushes.

Pumpkin Idea 2: False Wood Effect

Materials: Print out of false wood pattern, carving knife

Step 1: Place print out on the pumpkin.

Step 2: Carve patterns and adjust size.

Pumpkin Idea 3: Spotty- Spatterwave pumpkin

Materials: Acrylic paints (Delta Ceramcoat): White, Copen blue, paint brush

Step 1: Paint your pumpkin in white paint

Step 2: Create a speckled dots of different sizes in blue paint

Pumpkin Idea 4: Big Dipper Pumpkin

Materials: Chalkboard spray paint, battery powered string lights, chalk, medium- drill tool

Step 1: Spray-paint the pumpkin in black chalkboard spray-paint

Step 2: Use chalk marks to draw the big dipper on your pumpkin.

Step 3: Using a mini driller, drill the points of the constellation.

Step 4: Insert battery operated string lights.

Step 5: Draw and connect points using the chalk and add some more additional stars around.

Pumpkin Idea 5: Nail it up

Materials: Nailhead trim of your choice, thumbtacks, acrylic paint in black, marker

Step 1: Paint in black color.

Step 2: Mark your preferred design, example: chevron or just follow the slice lines of the pumpkin.

Step 3: Tack those nailhead trim on the marked designs.

Pumpkin Idea 6: Gold and Starry

Materials: Black spray-paint, gold star stickers, silver or white acrylic paint

Step 1: Spray- paint the whole pumpkin black.

Step 2: Paint a crescent moon in white or silver paint.

Step 3: Stick those gold stickers all over the pumpkin.

Pumpkin Idea 7: Copper Herringbone

Materials: Acrylic white paint, Copper metal paint, small paint brush

Step 1: Paint your pumpkin covered in white

Step 2: Paint the stems in copper

Step 3: Brush paint herringbone design on the pumpkin.

Pumpkin Idea 8: Spooky Bats design

Materials: Acrylic white paint, 1-inch and 2 inches bat pattern cut-outs, double-sided tape

Step 1: Paint your pumpkin covered in white paint

Step 2: Stick the bat cut-outs in right side corner

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