'Heroes of the Storm' Updates: Adjustments to Death Times and 'Snowball Prevention'

Blizzard's popular online multi-player battle game "Heroes of the Storm" is about to get some serious changes aside from getting Medic and Artanis heroes.

According to Destructoid, there will be an adjustment to the game's death timers because Blizzard believes that the death timers for "Heroes of the Storm" during the early game are far too low. For example, the death timer for a level one hero has been increased by six seconds so when a hero at level one dies, he would be waiting for 15 seconds before resurrection instead of 9 seconds.

It has been reported the reason behind these adjustments is to give players ample time to reach objectives at the early stage of the game, making an enemy's death more meaningful. In the middle and late parts of the game, the timers reportedly will roughly be the same.

Next adjustment in line is for what Blizzard refers to as "snowball prevention." According to Gamespot, Blizzard has explained in a blog, "In the current version of Heroes, game levels 1-14 had a very large stat difference from one level to the next. We identified later levels had less of a stat difference and power levels are more noticeable with talent picks instead of level gains. In an attempt to mirror the late game, we are flattening out the earlier levels to be more in line with how heroes operates towards the late game."

Blizzard further expounds that, "This change means that even if you have lost mercenaries, tributes or towns, you can still afford to try to team fight early in the game when you and your team find yourself behind. This does not, of course, change the danger of team fighting if you are behind by a talent level, which can be considered to still be very dangerous."

These changes are still in the testing phase. Blizzard has said on the blog that on Oct. 6 a test map called "Cursed Hollow - Scaling Test" will be placed under Custom Games section for a limited time while it is already available on PTR and they will be looking forward to getting feedback from players.

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