iOS 9: How to Make To-Do Lists in Notes, Plus More Features

Apple's Notes app got a major overhaul with the recent iOS 9 upgrade. iPhone Life Magazine points out one new feature: the option to make a checklist. With this, users can make a more efficient to-do or grocery list, and even write down recipe ingredients and method. Here's how it works:

1. Tap the note as though you're going to type. Tap the "+" sign just above the keyboard.

2. A row of icons will appear above the keyboard. Tap the checkmark (located at the leftmost portion). A blank, bullet-type circle will appear on your note. Then begin typing your note. If you want more bullets, just tap "return." Tap "Done" once finished.

3. You can tap these bullets later to select or deselect. They will be filled with an orange check to signify that the list is accomplished.

Techradar gave out other noteworthy features of the new and improved Notes app. iPhone and iPad users can now add photos in their notes as visual reminders. Users can take a photo from within the app, or select an image from the Camera Roll.

You can also attach a map or a link to a note, making it a one-stop reminder. If attaching a link, go to the page in Safari and click the "Share" icon on the bottom select the "Notes" icon. This will prompt you to choose which note you would want to attach the link to.

Another cool new feature is the option to sketch, or doodle on your note. From the Notes main page, tap the "+" sign and select the squiggly symbol from the row of icons that will appear.

Siri will also be keeping track of your notes from now on. If you can't remember a particular note, you can ask her to find it for you by dictating "Find my grocery checklist note," or "Show me all my notes for this week," or "Find my blueberry cheesecake recipe in notes."

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