5 Landscaping Ideas For Sellers

When potential buyers pull up to your home, they would first see your house's exterior, the yard, the trees, and the flowers. If they see wilting flowers and a lawn that hasn't seen a mower in a year, they would likely have the impression that this property is not well taken care of. You wouldn't want that, right?

So if you think that landscaping is not as important as your home interior, you might want to think again. Although it is not as permanent as new roofing, you definitely would want to include it in the marketing budget.

Here are 5 landscaping ideas that sellers can use to put their A-game on the curb appeal department according to Realty Times:

Get rid of anything dead

Unless you are going for a haunted, abandoned theme for your home, then there is no reason for dead leaves, trees, and flowers to hang out in your lawn. Get rid of all them and fill in the space they have left with fresh flowers, potted plants, or even yard art and instantly boost your curb appeal.

Cut and weed the grass

If your house is on the market, then you should make mowing a weekly hobby. Maintaining your lawn and making sure that you get rid of weeds will make your curb appeal potential buyer ready any time, any day.

Replace or hide leggy bushes

You don't want your bushes to have legs longer than torsos. You can either pull them out or replace or you can also keep them hidden by building plant boxwoods, or having small bushes, mulch, wood chips, or gravel in front of them.

Improve both hardscapes and softscapes

Make your curb appeal interesting by adding decorative stones, tiles, bricks or concrete to the delicate touch that flowers, plants and grasses bring. The contrasting mixture is sure to create that stunning effect for your lawn.

Light the way

Lighting is not only decorative but serves as security as well. Make the outside of your house a site to behold at night with the use of lighting - they don't even have to be expensive. Install lights up the trees or have lanterns light the walk way to guide your way at night or have lamp lights emphasize the healthy blooms even in darkness - all of those are sure to give your curb appeal a much needed boost and will also save you from tripping on the walkway steps.

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