‘Batman: Arkham Knight’ PC To Be Available By 'End of October,' Says Warner Bros.

Warner Bros. Interactive, publisher of "Batman: Arkham Knight," has recently announced that avid fans of the video game will be able to purchase the PC version by the "end of October." The company's community administrator Yorick has announced the latest news in the game's official page on Steam.

Warner Bros.'s Yorick explained that the team is currently working on some areas of the game that will improve the overall performance of the title for the PC. He said that at present, the team is implementing some essential fixes and tweaks that will eventually make the game free from errors. By doing so, the company will be able to hit the rescheduled release date in October.

"As many of you know, we released a major patch for Batman: Arkham Knight PC a few weeks ago. While there were significant performance improvements made to the game, the teams are continuing to work on the additional updates that were outlined in our previous post," Yorick said as quoted on the Steam website.

"We expect these updates to be ready at the end of October, at which time the PC version will be made available for purchase. In addition, support for all DLC that has been released for the console versions will be in place," Yorick added.

Windows Central reports that "Batman: Arkham Knight" post-release has been beset with technical problems. The problems encountered by players has reportedly caused a damaging blow and consequently triggered Warner Bros. Interactive to aggressively suspend the sales of the game in PC days after it was launched in June.

The company has earlier announced that it will roll out new updates for the game, which were meant to fix the problems. Once the video game is bug-free, the company said that it will resume its business operations to sell the game.

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