‘Big Brother’ Season 17: Liz Nolan and Austin Matelson 'One-sided Love' and Julia Nolan Not Happy With ‘LizTin’ Relationship?

Who could actually forget the drama among these three: Julia Nolan, Austin Matelson, and Liz Nolan? Many knew these names and are familiar with them as the three all starred from the latest season of "Big Brother 17." Liz and Julia are twins while Austin was Liz' flame inside the house. New reports are spreading now on what is the real deal between Austin and Liz relationship and also what Julia feels about her twin sis' boyfriend.

Just recently in "Big Brother 17," Austin scooped to TMZ the current status of his relationship with Liz and apart from the contrary that people think that their relationship in the "Big Brother" house was just for "showmance," the two are actually still together and are now even calling it "official." Austin even shared that the two of them even met each other's parents.

Sounds too good to be true for Austin but according to Celebrity Dirty Laundry's new scoop on "Big Brother 17", the relationship between "LizTin" is more of like a "one-sided" love affair. CDL reports that the big-built Austin is the one more "emotionally invested" in the relationship while Liz may not be leaning on the same page as his.

According to CDL's insider, "the relationship was one side; Austin is head over heels in love with her, and she doesn't seem as emotionally invested in him."

Austin's family are even said to see this and they are reportedly "worried" on how much Austin is with Liz.

"His family voiced some concerns that he is setting himself to be hurt because they weren't sure she felt the same about him, or at least felt the same intensity for him." according to the sources.

Aside from this "Big Brother 17" news, as noted last week, Austin also informed TMZ that Liz will be moving to LA and this was assumed to be Liz way in getting closer with the wrestler. But as it turns out, CDL said this move of Liz to live in LA is for her to get breaks in "acting" and "modelling." Ouch!

According to the article which was from Liz' interview with Reality Recaps, Liz was still going in for her relationship with Austin. She said that they are "still together, so far" and according to the article, she was "unsure" of where their relationship may go.

"BB17" news also mentioned that Liz's twin sister Julia who has some shares of opinions with the relationship of her sister and Austin spoke up about this in her recent interview. Julia who has not been the most approving of the relationship even in the house said that, "Her opinion of him was the same as you saw in the house- she didn't care for him at all and felt he was trying to come between her and Liz."

Looks like the big man from "Big Brother" has been swept up by Liz, do you think that he is more invested to her than Liz is to him? And do you think this two will work out their relationship to a more serious level in the future?

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