'Big Brother 17' Update: Liz Nolan And Austin Matelson Romance A One-Sided Relationship?

"Big Brother 17" may have come to an end but the drama among ex-housemates continues.

Last week, Liz and Austin got caught up with TMZ and Austin shared that they are doing well. Austin even told TMZ that when "Big Brother 17" ended, he got a lot of negative messages calling him "disgusting cheater" and "classless" after he broke up with his then girlfriend on national television.

It has been known that Austin was involved with someone when he got into a relationship with Liz. And now Austin revealed that he and Liz are "dating exclusively." Austin said they have met each other's families and Liz plans on moving from Miami to Los Angeles to be close to him.

While Celebrity Dirty Laundry reported that Austin is completely in love with Liz, rumors say that it's just a one-sided relationship. Liz on the other hand may not feel the same way. An insider revealed that, "the relationship was one side; Austin is head over heels in love with her, and she doesn't seem as emotionally invested in him."

Austin even changed his Twitter's profile picture with a photo of him and Liz together. Aside from that, the insider reportedly said Austin can't stop himself from talking so much about Liz and this made his family worried. Austin's family are concerned that he is just giving himself too much to Liz which could possibly hurt him because they are not sure if Liz's feelings for Austin is as strong as his.

Liz may be moving to LA but it could be for her plans in pursuing an acting and modelling career, as shared by the insider.

CDL also revealed that during Liz and her twin sister Julia Nolan's interview last week, Julia expressed she didn't care for him at all. Instead, she felt that Austin was trying to come between them sisters. But the highlight of the interview was the fact that Liz allowed Julia to talk that way against her boyfriend. She did not even bother to defend Austin. Could that be a sign that Liz is not really that into Austin?

Meanwhile, a week ago Austin posted a photo of him and Liz together on his Instagram page. He captioned it with, "Amazing night with my love Liz Nolan in Santa Monica #Liztin."

 Amazing night with my love Liz Nolan in Santa Monica #liztin

A photo posted by Austin Matelson (Judas) (@judasdraven) on Sep 26, 2015 at 1:03pm PDT

We just have to wait and see on how far Liz and Austin's relationship will go now that they are already outside of the house.

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